AMP Visual TV

14 July celebrations: an impressive roll out


14 juillet

The AMP VISUAL TV Group was responsible for broadcasting the official 14 July celebrations from the Champs Elysées. Two main production control vans, an RF van and almost fifty cameras were deployed for the operation.

14 juillet

The 14 July military parade is a major event. Major because of its importance in French institutional life, and major because of the surface area it covers. This year, TF1 was in charge of the international signal production.

Linked up to AMP's Car 11, just for the international signal, 28 cameras were positioned on the Place de la Concorde, along the Champs Elysées (fixed or on-board vehicles), on the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, the First Tower at the Défense and on-board a helicopter (inside a Wescam sphere). TF1 also set up 4 private cameras for its own programmes.

For its part, France 2 used the services of the Enterprise OB van and an additional 12 dedicated cameras along the Champs Elysées and at its studio at the Place de la Concorde.

During the previous days, a team of 10 people had busied themselves setting up the cable links, using the drains for passing cables wherever possible. For fifteen cameras, the VISUAL TV RF department operated wireless links via its RF OB van.

Even if the storms, which were particularly violent that day, and the torrential rain rendered our technicians' task more complicated, the service provided ran perfectly smoothly.

Car 11
International signal producer: Gilles Amado
TF1 private producer: Jean-Pierre Bouillez

The Enterprise OB van
France 2 private producer: Jérôme Revon


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