
AMP Visual TV

Innovation at SPORTEL Monaco

Extender 1 SPORTEL

SPORTEL Monaco is an unmissable event for all sports broadcasters. As a partner and benchmark service provider, we attended the event to present a number of our innovative developments... in second screen filming.


For the second year running, our Extender 1 OB Truck headed to the Grimaldi Forum to broadcast the conferences and debates held at Sportel Monaco. A new kind of multifunctional semi-trailer coach, Extender 1 makes it possible to simultaneously produce, stream, and enrich programmes, including by satellite, thanks to its integrated unit.

This year, the Extender brought some company, with two of our new iCar units attending SPORTEL. These are light vehicles designed for simultaneous IP filming and broadcasts. The iCar is particularly well-suited to sporting events, and can house two operators, and be used in a flight case configuration. The iCar OB van comes with a Tricaster mixer with its 3PLAY slow motion solution, 3 cameras, 3 camera mounts, 3 fibre optic interfaces, cables, etc.
The iCar comes with its own backup energy supply.

In terms of innovative filming, we also presented the anti-flicker capabilities of our HyperSlow camera. It is well-known that slow motion cameras are highly sensitive to the frequency of certain lights, which can cause the image to flicker. Our camera is the only one of its kind, resolving this issue for smooth slow motion sequences.

Another novelty comes in the form of GPS tracking, which we use to provide RF connections over long distance races. We use positioning data to enrich programmes on the main or secondary screen, adding an as yet unexplored dimension to how sports programmes are viewed. We have also generated sequences of images from the race to add to the live broadcast, created by TRIMARAN during the last WRC French Rally.
View our RF demo

This is also the thinking behind the agreement signed between AMP VISUAL TV and NETCO SPORTS to add video sequences to secondary screen applications. We now have access to all of the resources and expertise that we need to explore this brave new TV world alongside our clients.
Watch our video


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