
AMP Visual TV

4K Ready... and that's not all!

Disney 4K

By being one of the first to test Sony's new live 4K system, we have boosted our 4K expertise and established ourselves as the benchmark in Ultra High Definition. Following Disneyland Paris and the French Open, we tested the new equipment on four other projects.

A premiere

Shortly after the IBC in Amsterdam, and in close collaboration with Sony, we carried out a series of tests using the brand's new 4K camera. Fresh out of internal testing by Sony engineers, AMP VISUAL TV was the first company to get its hands on the new camera. Having used Canon cameras at the French Open, we used the Sony F55 with Canon and Fujinon lenses.

The new F55 camera has been designed specifically for multicamera filming with "traditional" features (genlock, remote colourimetry, programme return, tally, and intercom). Its specifications mean that it is a seamless addition to our Millennium 2 4K OB Van.

Life-sized trials

We have worked closely with our partners to develop this new live 4K solution, used on four of our projects in recent weeks. The shoots were also selected for offering a range of 4K applications: a live play at Chatelet, two fashion shows, and a live broadcast. More Ultra High Definition programmes are in store for coming months.

Diverse applications

4K productions are an investment in the standard of the future, as well as a chance to explore its more immediate potential. Indeed, HD down conversion boasts a range of opportunities. The resolution, multiplied by 4, makes it possible to zoom in on an image, all while maintaining HD quality. Furthermore, the dynamic sensor offers a broader range of colourimetry options. At live shows with difficult lighting conditions, for example, the 4K resolution guarantees unprecedented colour precision. Image frequency may also reach 240 frames per second, enabling slow-motion filming.

AMP VISUAL TV at the heart of research and development

Attentive to our clients' expectations, we have broadened the scope of our work to include 4K equipment from all of the major brands. Having used Canon at the French Open, we are now diversifying our operations with the Sony workflow.  Our objective of supporting our clients in the transition to Ultra High Definition also manifests itself as a desire to promote the opportunities afforded by this new medium that is set to grow in coming years.


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