
AMP Visual TV

The Tour de Pologne

tour de pologne 2013

After the Tour de France, we're travelling the roads of Poland and Italy for the UCI Tour de Pologne event. Our RF team is on location, producing motorcycle and helicopter footage while also carrying out the RF transmissions.

For several years now, AMP VISUAL TV has dealt with the RF broadcasting of the Tour de Pologne. Three of our RF motorcycles follow the competitors: 2 with video equipment and one with sound equipment. In the air, a helicopter equipped with a Cineflex camera system produces the aerial maps while a relay aeroplane transmits the RF signals to our special unit, dedicated to the race. The signals are then sent to the van belonging to the Polish broadcaster TVP1, in charge of production. Years of experience allow a unique collaboration between our teams and the Polish ones.

This year, the Tour de Pologne started ... in Italy. Take our team and equipment from France to Italy and then to Poland and you've just about got... the Tour d'Europe. And the journey isn't over, because our team covering the Tour de Pologne will move on to Norway afterwards for the Arctic Race of Norway, a new bicycle race north of the polar circle, made up of four stages over a total distance of 705 kilometres. To be followed from 8 August on Eurosport.

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photo credits: SzymonGruchalski/tourdepologne.pl


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