
AMP Visual TV

AMP VISUAL TV sets the pace in Formula 1

Canal+ championnats du monde de formule 1 2013

CANAL+ entrusted AMP Visual TV with setting up its technical facilities for the Formula 1. After meticulous preparations, our Flight A production van took off for Melbourne before heading to Kuala Lumpur and again to Shanghai.

F1 panorama Régie

CANAL+ holds exclusive rights to the Formula 1 World Championship. The channel sought out the services of AMP VISUAL TV to take advantage of our private equipment at race tracks the world over.

Our Flight A production van provides Canal+ with an international signal and 5 private cameras. As the van would not be returning to base between races, meticulous preparations were made before sending all of the equipment on its way: each item had to be identified and labelled to guarantee traceability between each race.
Our Flight A production van, together with our dedicated team, will be spending the next few months either in the paddocks of the world's most prestigious race tracks... or on their way to catch a plane.
Catch us at the next China Grand Prix on 12-14 April 2013.

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Preparing and shipping the production van.


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